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Exchange sends $650,000 to user by mistake

A user of Australian trading platform OTCPro accidentally received over $650,000...a costly mistake! He has since withdrawn part of the funds and is now wanted by law enforcement. Here is what happened ?

An exchange mistakenly sends $650,000 to a user...and the user runs away with the money

The error was caused by the internal teams of the OTCPro exchange, who made a comma error when depositing funds to the user. Instead of sending him 99.5 thousand Australian dollars (AUD), they sent him 995 thousand Australian dollars (AUD), or more than 650 thousand American dollars (USD).

When the platform realized its mistake, it asked the user to return the money. However, they did not respond to their request. This has also already started cash withdrawal From the platform, according toMedia Local.

Moreover, the stock market only noticed its mistake a few days later. The transfer error actually occurred on January 25, but OTCPro didn't notice the error until February 4, giving the man around ten days to withdraw the funds.

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The user allegedly used these funds to purchase currencies USDT From Tether, he then withdrew funds from the platform in the amount of USD 100,000 per day (the daily limit of the OTCPro cryptocurrency platform).

The trading platform later filed a lawsuit, confirming that the man owed it more than $320,000. She had tried to contact the person by phone and email. all in vain.

On February 9, the local court froze the user's assets and asked authorities to prevent him from leaving Australia. Especially since the man is actually from Malaysia.

However, the user in question went missing and has not been found since. Whereas the wallet I'm sending USDT to only has $149 in assets. If the OTCPro user is still present in AustraliaHe could face legal consequences. In the other case, he will probably flee the authorities.

Of confidence


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