In the ongoing lawsuit between the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA) and Craig Wright, an Australian computer engineer, three key witnesses who previously interacted with Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto have testified and agreed that Wright is manipulating public opinion.
Craig Wright failed to prove that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, and his delusions got him into trouble.
Early Bitcoin developers Marty Malmi and Mike Hearn, as well as Adam Back, creator of the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, provided testimony in the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA) case against Craig Wright. This is a lawsuit that requires Craig Wright to prove that he is Satoshi Nakamoto or stop claiming that he is him forever.
In court, Bitcoin developers and witnesses who had early contact with Bitcoin's mysterious creator testified: Satoshi NakamotoNever-before-seen emails were exchanged with the anonymous creator.
Adam Back, the creator of Hashcash, was among those who testified. Where he revealed a series of his correspondence with Nakamoto. An email from Bitcoin's creator showed Nakamoto's intent to cite Buck's contributions White paper For Bitcoin. In particular, the concept of proof of work is borrowed from the Hashcash mechanism. After several correspondences, Adam Back did not receive any more letters from Satoshi Nakamoto until the Bitcoin innovation was released.
For his part, Martti Malmi also shared with the court his correspondence with Satoshi Nakamoto. Malmi spoke about his early interactions with Nakamoto. But he confirmed that he had not heard the name Craig Wright in 2015!
Additionally, Malmi criticized the complex technical article written by Wright as "too long and difficult to understand." Malmi also said that Satoshi Nakamoto knew that he was Finnish. And Wright pointed out in court that Malmi is Norwegian!
Bitcoin developer Mike Hearn also shared his correspondence with Wright. He recounted his meeting with Craig Wright, which led him to confirm that Wright was not Nakamoto. During the meeting, Hearn attempted to test Wright's claims that he was Satoshi by asking questions that only the real Nakamoto could accurately answer. However, Hearn's responses were taken out of context and his responses amounted to "meaningless chatter".
Throughout the dinner, despite Wright's claims that he... SatoshiHe is said to have stumbled over Hearn's questions and shown a lack of understanding. Hearn noted that Wright's explanations were confusing and full of inaccuracies, likening his answers to "Star Trek-style technobabble," indicating a clear departure from the knowledge expected of Bitcoin's creator.
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