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OpenBlox: a digital world at the crossroads of NFTs, Play & Earn and Web3

What if it was possible to develop your virtual character through a multitude of different games while personalizing it? This is what OpenBlox offers, a gaming platform based on Blox, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with unique and scalable properties. Also discover RunBlox, the first product from OpenBlox, a Move and Earn that rewards its users for their physical activity.



  • 1
  • OpenBlox, a large ecosystem that mixes NFTs and Web3
  • 2
  • Get active with RunBlox
  • 3
  • The different games offered by OpenBlox
  • 3.1
  • RogueBlox, the roguelike PVE card game
  • 3.2
  • ActionBlox, the multiplayer universe
  • 3.3
  • LandBlox, exploration and simulation
  • 4
  • Opinion and conclusion on the world of OpenBlox

OpenBlox, a large ecosystem that mixes NFTs and Web3

The digital world ofOpenBlox is made up of Web3 games and applications with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as the backbone.

Available on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain via OpenSea and on Arbitrum, the OpenBlox universe mixes several virtual worlds on which players travel with their “Blox”, Scalable NFTs whose different attributes are customizable and which have the particularity of being compatible with all games in the OpenBlox ecosystem.

These can then be traded or resold as NFTs to infinity on the OpenBlox Marketplace.

But OpenBlox is also present on Web3, in particular thanks to its first Runblox appa Move and Earn built on the Avalanche blockchain (AVAX) which rewards its users for their physical activity: a way of earn cryptocurrencies by taking care of your health.

OpenBlox Universe

Fig. 1: OpenBlox ecosystem in August 2022

The project is supported, among others, by the Japanese Yūsaku Maezawaa listed entrepreneur 14th richest man in Japan according to Forbes. Among his many activities, he has created several companies, including Zozotown, the largest online shopping site in the country.

But since then, the entrepreneur has decided to focus on the conquest of space and will notably participate in a flyby of the Moon aboard a spaceship of SpaceX, the company of Elon Musk.

OpenBlox is also powered by Blizzard, the Avalanche investment fund that wants to support the organic growth of projects that are built on its blockchain. Blockchain gaming platform OpenBlox also gets support from Shima Capitala fund specializing in Web3 projects founded by Yida Gaoa Wall Street veteran.

Note that OpenBlox has its own token. Referred to as OBX, the latter was created on the launchpad of the ByBit platform and makes it possible to ensure the governance of the project while financing it, since it is used for the transaction costs of the ecosystem. In addition, players are rewarded in different ways depending on the number of OBX tokens in their possession.

👉 Find out more OpenBlox tokenomics

Get active with RunBlox

Runblox is a web3 fitness app already available on the App Store and Google Play which rewards its users based on their physical activity in the form of Move & Earn.

To use Runblox, nothing could be simpler: just download the application on the mobile device of your choice, create a wallet and acquire a virtual shoe in AVAX, the Avalanche token, directly on the application’s market place. No registration necessary.

Runblox mobile app

Fig. 2: Overview of the RunBlox mobile app

Shoes are divided into several categories: Walking, Jogging and Running. The choice of these will depend on your physical activity stylesince their categorization corresponds to the walking or running speed necessary to achieve to earn rewards.

Each shoe has its own attributes, among which attack, luck, speed and hit points. Attack earns more rewards while running, Luck determines the percentage chance of earn LootBoxes and hit points affect the durability of the shoe.

These attributes can be increased as you level up your shoes. To take a shoe to the next level, it will be necessary to use RUX tokens, which are gained by running. But that’s not all: it is also possible to mint a new pair of shoes by combining 2 pairs of at least level 5.

Remember that it is already possible to take advantage of RunBlox, OpenBlox’s Move and Earn application, by downloading it from the App Store or Google Play. Continually updating, RunBlox recently added the LootBox featurerewards obtained during each sports session classified by rarity.

Finally, RunBlox continually develops new partnerships with high quality projects in order to add new possibilities andincrease the value of LootBoxesall this by connecting the real world and the virtual world through physical activity.

As such, the application has entered into a strategic partnership with MZ-Club as well as with Arigato Bankan app with over 7.5 million users, to promote RunBlox.


Fig. 6: Examples of rewards in LootBoxes

RunBlox thus constitutes the balance between the pleasure of exercising and the rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies, an original way of to stay healthy !

👉 Visit the Runblox website to find out more

The different games offered by OpenBlox

In August 2022, OpenBlox announced 3 new games to expand your universe: RogueBlox, ActionBlox and LandBlox. Let’s find out what they have to offer and how they interact with each other.

RogueBlox, the roguelike PVE card game

Currently in pre-alpha, RogueBlox will be the first OpenBlox game to be officially released. Here, you will have to explore diverse and varied worlds to progress your Blox.

RogueBlox Fight

Fig. 3: RogueBlox Combat Environment

To start, it will be necessary to acquire one Blox available for sale on OpenSea or on the OpenBlox Marketplace. Then each player will see themselves submit a base deck in order to progress in RogueBlox.

Here, the object of the game is to use the different attack and defense maps available to be able to defeat his enemies in fights scrolling turn by turn. The player must thus advance in RogueBlox in the form of a campaign with random events.

Naturally, the more a player fights, the more likely it will be to have new cards to evolve. The progression gets harder and harder and the strongest enemies can drop big rewards.

A true strategic game, RogueBlox will work your thinking and will put your adaptability to the test. Of course, after improving your Blox, you can resell it for a new one in order to make vary your strategies !

👉 Consult this documentation learn all about RogueBlox

ActionBlox, the multiplayer universe

ActionBlox is a multiplayer online role-playing game (MORPG). Here, cooperation with your allies will be the key to progress and survive in this unforgiving universe filled with magical creatures.

ActionBlox illustration

Fig. 5: Illustration of ActionBlox

In ActionBlox, the goal is not to make the most money possible, but rather to make teamwork work to achieve your goals. Guilds, friends and comrades will be required to evolve in this magical world of OpenBlox.

Its output is also scheduled for 2023 and more information about him will be revealed in the coming months.

LandBlox, exploration and simulation

Pastures, cities, castles, forests, resources, battle and plunder: so many words to describe LandBlox, inspired from famous survival game Don’t Starve, unlike that it exploits the many possibilities offered by Web3.

LandBlox presentation

Fig. 4: Illustration of LandBlox

Here, it will be necessary to leave room exploring to pierce the many secrets that LandBlox offers to conquer new territories.

You can also do grow your hours of play on RogueBlox by planting the seeds that you have won in the latter by fighting. Once these seeds become fruits, you can choose to resell them on the OpenBlox Marketplace or use them in other games to progress.

As you will have understood, the games offered by OpenBlox are complementary to each other and constitute a complete ecosystem.

LandBlox is still in development and its release is planned for 2023.

Opinion and conclusion on the world of OpenBlox

The vast world of OpenBlox is still in its infancy, but looks promising given its complete roadmap.

Where some Play to Earn are quite repetitive, OpenBlox has chosen diversity with its multiple holistic games all connected thanks to Blox, these evolutionary NFTs with unique attributes and principle.

Benefiting from significant support, in particular from by Blizzardthe Avalanche fund, or even Yūsaku Maezawa and of Shima Capital, the project already seems to be attractive. Future high-profile partnerships should soon be concluded to reward the OpenBlox community.

Through its various games, OpenBlox presents a unique multigaming universe through the blockchain which will ensure a durable and complete system for all its new players. has done prior research on the products or services presented on this page but cannot be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused following the use of a good or service highlighted in this article. Investments related to crypto-assets are risky by nature, readers should do their own research before taking any action and only invest within the limits of their financial capabilities. This article does not constitute investment advice.
